In Psychology

In psychology, metacognition generally refers to reflective beliefs and reasoning about one’s own ability to reason. Fleming (2024) says a particular class is of interest: “propositional confidence in one's own (hypothetical) decisions or actions”. So in LLMs, meta-cognition would be propositional confidence in decisions or actions of the model.

Various definitions (Flavell, 1979) include:

Metacognition is intrinsically linked to theory of mind*.*

Heyes et al. (2020) say that metacognition is “discrimination, interpretation, and broadcasting of subtle cues indicating the rightness of ongoign thought and behavior”


In an expansive or basic sense, LLMs come with metacognition built in, because in applications like chatbots, and in most LLM applications, each token generated serves as part of the input for generating the following token.

Renze and Guven (2024) demonstrated that self-reflection can improve problem-solving performance. I’m not super convinced—I think their answers (that they provide to the LLM after an incorrect answer before it gives the correct one) could leak into the “reflections”, and even though the answer is subsequently redacted, information could be preserved.

Research on “confidence” or “calibration”